Forests of the World
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Products: Jewelry & Ornaments

Educational, fun, and beautiful products made by real people from the rainforest areas of the world.

Jungle Jewelry

A display of our Jungle Jewelry offerings

Seeds from a variety of plant species are collected by rural farmers in Costa Rica.

Then holes are made in many beautiful varieties of seeds, creating "seed beads" which are used for the Jungle Jewelry line of earrings, necklaces, World Unity Bracelets, and the famous Jungle Jewelry Kits. details




tagua moon ornament

Beautifully carved tagua shape ornaments. details

Christmas ornaments carved from tagua nuts

Unique tagua Christmas cutout ornaments. details

Forests of the World, LLC
1410 Cross St. / Durham, NC 27701
(919) 957-1500 / info @