Forests of the World
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Products: Decor & Furniture

Educational, fun, and beautiful products made by real people.


Rwandan PEACE Baskets


This set of five baskets is made by Rwandan women as part of the PEACE project. Available in other colors, including red and green.

This project is dedicated to assisting rural women in recovery from the recent period genocide, during which over 1 million people were killed. Rwanda is also home to the last wild populations of the highly endangered Mountain Gorillas, expected to go extinct in the next 20 years. Forests of the World is selling these baskets as a fund-raiser for the Dian Fossey Gorilla Foundation International. details


Reed Fiber Animal Baskets

These wonderfully whimsical figures have removable heads and tops to store change or other collectibles. They are made from a freshwater reed found around lakes and ponds of the island of Madagascar. The Malagasy people harvest and hand make a variety of beautiful crafts using the reed, including placemats, coasters, and baskets. A highly durable fiber, it is a renewable resource which, when managed properly, can be harvested into the future.

Below is an image of one of our product line sheets; please call us for details and prices or to get glossy paper copies of any of our line sheets. (click to view big JPEG image)

reed fiber animal baskets line


Raffia Hampers, Chests, and Animals

Raffia from Madagascar: hampers and amazing giraffes and ostriches

From Madagascar, where we get many of our bags and hats, come some lovely, unusual, and quite useful products:

More than just the products listed above are available. Below is an image of one of our product line sheets; please call us for details and prices or to get glossy paper copies of any of our line sheets. (click to view big JPEG image)

household line


Tagua Nut Sculptures

remarkable variety of
tagua nut animal sculptures

The versatile tagua nut, once used for buttons, is carved into a remarkable variety of animal figures. details

More tagua nut


Papier-Maché Color

Alamex papier-mâche wall hangings

Bright and colorful Papier Mache and Plaster of Paris fish strings and wall plaques from San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. detail page


From the Trees

Brazil nut candles

Candles made from the pod of the Brazil nut, collected in the rainforest of Peru. details

Sustainably-produced Bolivian outdoor furniture

This truly beautiful and exceptional outdoor furniture from Bolivia is worth a second look. We are hoping to find a retailer who will order an entire shipping carton's worth, as it's too bulky and expensive for us to keep in stock. detail page

Forests of the World, LLC
1410 Cross St. / Durham, NC 27701
(919) 957-1500 / info @